
Visualizations for stratum retention policies.



Animations for stratum retention policies.


ASCII representations of retained strata.


Visualizations for stratum retention policies.


col_to_ascii(column[, discarded_strata, ...])

Create an ASCII table representation of HereditaryStratigraphicColumn state.

mrca_uncertainty_absolute_barplot(...[, ...])

Profile distribution of retained rank spacing under a retention policy.

mrca_uncertainty_relative_barplot(...[, ...])

Profile distribution of retained rank spacing under a retention policy.

policy_panel_animate(...[, do_show, save_as])

Animate evolution of column and its properties under a retention policy.

policy_panel_plot(stratum_retention_policy, ...)

Holistically sketch stratum retention policy at a particular generation.

strata_retained_frac_lineplot(...[, do_show, ax])

Plot fraction deposited strata that are retained at each generation.

strata_retained_num_lineplot(...[, do_show, ax])

Plot number deposited strata that are retained at each generation.

stratum_retention_animate(...[, do_show, ...])

Animate evolution of strata histories under a stratum retention policy.

stratum_retention_dripplot(...[, do_show, ...])

Show history of retained and purged strata at a particular generation.