
class HereditaryStratum

Packages stratigraph data associated with a particular generation.

Includes differentia “fingerprint” associated with a particular generation of a line of descent and possibly additional metadata, including optional user-provided annotation.

__init__(*, annotation: Any | None = None, differentia_bit_width: int = 64, deposition_rank: int | None = None, differentia: int | None = None)[source]

Construct the stratum.

Randomly generates and stores a differentia “fingerprint” alongside other metadata, if provided.


annotation: any, optional

Optional object to store as an annotation. Allows arbitrary user- provided to be associated with this stratum’s generation in its line of descent.

differentia_bit_width: int, optional

The bit width of the generated differentia. Default 64, allowing for 2^64 distinct values.

deposition_rankint, optional

The position of the stratum being deposited within the sequence of strata deposited into the column. Precisely, the number of strata that have been deposited before stratum.


GetAnnotation() Any | None[source]

Access arbitrary, user-specified annotation, if any.

GetDepositionRank() int | None[source]

Get the deposition order rank associated with this stratum, if stored.

Deposition rank is the number of strata deposited on a column before self. Deposition rank may not be stored if the stratum retention policy supports calculation of deposition rank from column index.

GetDifferentia() int[source]

Access differentia.

Returns the randomly-generated value that distinguishes this stratum from others generated at the same rank in other hereditary columns.

__init__(*, annotation: Any | None = None, differentia_bit_width: int = 64, deposition_rank: int | None = None, differentia: int | None = None)[source]

Construct the stratum.

Randomly generates and stores a differentia “fingerprint” alongside other metadata, if provided.


annotation: any, optional

Optional object to store as an annotation. Allows arbitrary user- provided to be associated with this stratum’s generation in its line of descent.

differentia_bit_width: int, optional

The bit width of the generated differentia. Default 64, allowing for 2^64 distinct values.

deposition_rankint, optional

The position of the stratum being deposited within the sequence of strata deposited into the column. Precisely, the number of strata that have been deposited before stratum.