
col_from_int(value: int, differentia_bit_width: int, stratum_retention_policy: Callable, differentiae_byte_bit_order: Literal['big', 'little'] = 'big', num_strata_deposited_byte_order: Literal['big', 'little'] = 'big', num_strata_deposited_byte_width: int = 4, value_byte_width: int | None = None) HereditaryStratigraphicColumn

Deserialize a HereditaryStratigraphicColumn from an integer representation.

Integer representation is packet binary representation plus a sentry bit at the most significant bit position. Sentry bit prevents loss of leading zero bits. If value_byte_width is not None, an appropriate sentry bit is added to the value if it is not already present.

Assumes big endian byte order.